Tuesday, January 9, 2007

first draft

I could not sleep
I could not weep
twin stars in the night sky
one seymour, one Judah
the big diper cup full of night
little dipper outlined

my shadow cast by the torch light my neighbor uses to get rid of the darkness
the moon more than half but less than full stands to my left, while my neighbors porch light casts a torch to get rid of the darkness.
I watch the stars, now bright and strong.
I watch the a thin veil of cloud come along to escort the stars in privacy into the early morning. I stand in my sleeping clothing, too thin against the embracing dampness of the night. I raise both my arms to reach out to you, hoping you could touch my fingertips.

Monty is by my side. His shadow dances with mine as we move along the porch. I did not know that shadows occurs in moonlight, but perhaps its nothing more than the shadow cast by the porch light. It doesn't matter much. Your stars are still there, moving away as the earth moves along its route.

Soon I won't see your twinkle, the sun will up, beautiful, you will move into the shadows of my mind, as the light of the day lets other thoughts take their place in the world order.

my grief only grows as the day begins, contained to the outside perhaps,
as the days go by and we get further apart in time, the grief gets larger, just like the night sky, first a few stars, then the complete blanket of midnight color speckled with light, then the dark coverlet gets lighter and the stars fade into the sunrise.

My loves return to me soon, I look for signs of you every where, shooting stars, twinkling stars, shadows, wind, whispers,

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