Saturday, January 19, 2008

the baby is coming,
jedidiah is going to get a siser. born in neal, adapted by paul and danielle, they got word finally that all the adoption papers for both america and nepal are in order and the baby can begin her ife withher new parents and sibling, jed.
Felice, lost her dad a short while ago, her hounger sisetrs tried to steal mney from their mother, by forging social security numbers on loan documents against the house her mother lives in. He dog had to be put down because it bit her mother savgely in the face and swallowed the flesh.
monty challenged smokey, who claims that mnety is viciusl. I think smoke is vicous and he taunts the dog. his dog apocolype is well rained ut a pit bull, smokey scares me. monty sniffed agt him and backed off when i CALLed him. Monty is gentle by nature but like all men will not back down from rough play or an agressive challenge. if people are gentel with him he is gentle back, but challenge him and he will be right there. he so reminds me of Seymour in this regard. I swear that this dog is a composite of seymour and judah. I love him so. He is so handsome and a wonderful friend.
Leah and hustle, the pit bull,
Ann with tuxedo the poodle, who doesn't listen to her. she is dating an old man
Cynthia with hONI and honey her husband,
Jennifer with Lincoln a black lab and a brand new baby
lynn with gracie,
millicent with a standard poodle name remmington, and husbnd stanley
martha and monty.
can't forget mamel with his dog gorki, who loves monty, the play beautifully,

shirley with her poodle she hates mamel calls him that arab
the librarian and mary with their five dogs. they are in the park by seven am,
david the guy on the bike white haired and with his dog
Ruth the historian with her black and white Clara, who can't stop peeing when she greets you.
the tall lady who wears biker shorts even when its freezing
sharon with billy a white miniature poodle mix who is always in her arms, while her other dog runs around with enough energy for two
sharon sounds like a new yorker, thin, owns a clothing store knows ecery one
Fouad with his dog that looks like gorky but is much more aggresssive. plays hard, mnty loves to play with him
josh with his two boxers, nutmeg and, and his wife and baby devon
dagne with her owner who smokes does crossword puzzles while waiting for her to run with the other dogs.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Millicent and Remington

Monty ate a whole chocolate chip chala to retaliate for my going out in the evening with out him. Comparing losses is not a thing to do. It minimzes each persons loss and roubles, yet, it is something to do when esablisheing new friendshis. Do I have room in my heart for any oneelses roubles. On the surface every thing is wonderful for her

Mydog life, Mamel with Grocky, monegtys love girls, smile missing a mola, watch cap over close cropped dark hair, five five mediu build, wears shorts een thogh its cold. gfeen cargo pants shorts. He asks me if I eat in oly kosher retausrants, I tell him I am going out for dinner, he wants an invitatio. He is a zorastoriam, universailits no religuous, spiritual man, who has been messed up while in the service. Iranian by birth, waier of the world by history, entered into my life thru monty. He saw me sgruggle with me dog, when he was stilla foundling. I invige him and his dog intomy yard to socialize mneyt. the dogs playedwell, my grief was raw, mamel felt its his role to help tansform me. grief doesn't go away I toldhim, it clings like the smell of shit long after the feces has gone away. I am writing on Judah's coputer, the one we boughthim to use in thehospital. he became too weak to even write onit. Iused it as partof an office for a while while he lay comoagse he had tubes in and out, the com;uter had wires. this was m life line to santity, hiswires failed while hey susained him for a while they ultimately only took outthe fluidsof life from him